Systematized sin;
Deliniated deviancy
Left-wing, antiGodly Canada and New Zealand promote a, “Pink Shirt Day,” ostensibly a campaign against bullying. This campaign, however, and the plot behind it, are in fact a thinly-veiled program advocating for the acceptance and promotion of sodomy, by dishonestly claiming that sodomy is normal and unsinful, and that hate for the sin is rather hate for the sinner! And it claims that speaking out against sodomy is wrong because it might hurt the social acceptance of the sodomist! This is part of the greater sodomist child-grooming plot by The Left to develop acceptance of and participation in sodomy, beginning in the youngest of children. The campaign seeks to decrease the natural disgust of and aversion to sodomy, thereby to hopefully increase the ranks of new young recruits into this disgusting sin of absolute depravity. As is typical of the lying working of Satan, whom Jesus called, “The Father of Lies,” it seeks to do so by taking the focus off the sin, and redirecting it toward the person, who is so loved by God. It thereby makes the Godly disgust for the sin appear, instead, to be hate for a person or group of people. By harnessing the natural human tendency to protect the downtrodden, and by subtly reinterpreting hate for sin as hate for people, it promotes the acceptance and adoption of the sin itself. And, having done so, this ploy then uses emotionalism to make the Godly person, who stands in opposition, appear to be evil, and antisocial! And promotes hate for him instead.
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